COVID-19 Relief Fund

We have raised a total of $1,221.74 towards fighting the COVID-19 pandemic!
In January 2020, the World Health Organization classified the COVID-19 outbreak as a global health emergency. As of June 2020, the coronavirus has sickened over 8 million people and claimed over 450,000 lives around the globe, and the numbers are still growing. During this period of adversity, we would like to encourage everyone to work together to fight this pandemic. We chose to support 3 nonprofit organizations whose global efforts were focused on lessening the spread and impact of the COVID-19 virus.

From March to the end of May 2020, 5% of all purchases and all additional donations were donated to the following three nonprofit organizations: Direct Relief, International Medical Corps, and the CDC Foundation. Free molds were also given out for additional donations to the COVID-19 Relief Fund. By June 1, we raised $760.01 for Direct Relief, $241.18 for CDC Foundation, and $220.55 for International Medical Corps, for a total of $1,221.74 USD towards fighting the COVID-19 pandemic!
Direct Relief is a humanitarian aid organization, active in all 50 states and more than 80 countries, with a mission to improve the health and lives of people affected by poverty or emergencies. To help combat COVID-19, Direct Relief is coordinating with public health authorities, nonprofit organizations and businesses globally to provide personal protective equipment and other essential items, such as protective masks, exam gloves, and isolation gowns, to health workers responding to coronavirus. Click here to read more.
International Medical Corps is a global humanitarian organization dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering through health care training and relief and development programs. Established in 1984 by volunteer doctors and nurses, International Medical Corps is a private, voluntary, nonpolitical, nonsectarian organization. For COVID-19, International Medical Corps is working with the World Health Organization and local and national ministries of health in more than 30 countries to provide expertise, equipment, training, and triage and treatment services. They are focused on regions where the disease has spread or where populations and health systems are particularly vulnerable, and are using a three-pronged approach to help at-risk countries and regions prepare for and respond to potential outbreaks of COVID-19 in low-resource settings. Click here to read more.
In the US, the CDC Foundation operates independently from the Center of Disease Control as a private, non-profit organization in Atlanta, GA. Funds raised by the CDC Foundation through their Emergency Response Fund will be used to meet fast-emerging needs identified by CDC to help respond to the public health threat posed by this virus. This includes:
How You Can Help Your Community
Learn how the virus is spread and how to help prevent the spread of infection.
• If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
• Avoid close contact with people who are sick
• Put distance between yourself and other people if COVID-19 is spreading in your community. Do not attend parties or large gatherings.
• Stay home as much as possible, especially if you are sick. Sometimes the virus can have no symptoms but can still be contagious. Studies have shown that the virus can take 2-27 days to show symptoms. Even if you have no symptoms or are just having a mild case, the virus can cause severe illness or death to others who have high risk, such as the elderly and those with heart disease, diabetes, cancer, or other conditions that can cause immunosuppression.
• Offer to help others disinfect commonly used areas, such as kitchens, workplaces, elevator buttons, door handles, and phones.
• Check on your relatives, friends, and neighbors. Some people may need help getting basic food and necessities. Others may have unsafe home situations or relationships and being confined at home for prolonged periods of time can worsen certain situations or conflicts (eg. mental illness, domestic violence).
• Help others set up grocery delivery so they can be in control.
• Let others know about special accommodations that companies might be offering to help others during this difficult time. For example, let others know if a grocery store is offering special hours for older adults to shop safely.
• Be a "caremonger". Create or join a group to help those who are vulnerable in your community.
• Help someone in isolation find something to do. Social distancing does not mean you cannot chat on the phone or online! Use Skype, play online games, recommend books or audiobooks, learn new skills or hobbies, watch Netflix, and of course, craft!
• Don't hoard! There is enough food and supplies for everyone. Panic shopping makes it difficult for older adults, those with disabilities, and low income families to purchase basic food and necessities. If you made the mistake of hoarding, make it right by donating some of it to others who need it, such as older adults, care homes, or food banks.
• Don't immediately jump to conclusions and reprimand someone who appears to be hoarding. They may be purchasing for a large family, helping others in the community, or donating food and supplies to charities!
Donate blood if you can. There is a dire shortage of blood donations as blood drives have been cancelled in many areas where coronavirus cases are more common.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: COVID-19
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: COVID-19 Fact Sheets
this is amazing work 👏 👏💗💗
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